About us

East Asia Schelling-Network (EASN) is open to anyone who conducts research on Schelling and Schellingian philosophy in Asia. The mission of EASN is to (1) further research in Asia, both historical and systematic, on Schelling and related figures (eg., Boehme, Baader, Eschenmayer, Hölderlin, Hegel, Novalis, Oken, Coleridge, Pierce, Bloch); (2) organize a regular meeting and stand-alone Schelling conference; (3) gather data concerning current graduate research in Asia on Schelling.

The Directors of EASN are Dr. Norihito Nakamura (Mie University) and Arata Nakashima (University of Bonn).


Arata Nakashima (University of Bonn)

E-Mail: aratanakashima1121[#]gmail.com

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