The 1st conference (5-7 March, 2025)

The 1st conference of the East Asia Schelling-Network will be held 5-7 March, 2025, at Kyoto University (Japan).

For more information, see Flyer



(DAY 1, Venue: Conference Room 3)

14:00 Welcome words & Introduction (Nakamura, Norihito)

14:30 - 15:15  Lecture 1Schelling und Hegel über den Anfang der Philosophie

A, Sihan (University of Tübingen)

 (Chair: Iizumi, Yusuke)

15:15 - 15:30 Coffee break

15:30 - 16:15  Lecture 2: Two Histories? ——The Theory of History in Schelling’s “System of Transcendental Idealism”

Ohara, Yukichi (University of Tokyo)

 (Chair: Iizumi, Yusuke)

16:15 – 16:30 Coffee break

16:30 - 17:15  Lecture 3: The Evolution of Schelling’s Philosophy in China: Translation, Intellectual Contexts, and Thematic Shifts

Hao, Jinhua (University of Freiburg)

(Chair: Shen, Hao)

17:15 – 17:30 Coffee break

17:30 - 18:30  Keynote 1: Schelling as an alternative in Western philosophy

Prof. Wong, Kwok Kui (Hong Kong Baptist University)

(Chair: Nakamura, Norihito)


(DAY 2, Venue: Large conference room)

10:30 - 11:15  Lecture 4: Die Urform des Wissens: Auf der Suche nach dem Unbedingten zur Systematisierung der Philosophie

Tan, Siek Leng (University of Bonn)

(Chair: Yahata, Sakura)

11:15 - 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 - 12:30  Keynote 2: Multiple Phases of Freedom: re-discovering Schelling and making connections

Prof. Huang, Kuan-Min (Academia Sinica, National Chengchi University)

(Chair: Nakamura, Norihito)

12:30 - 14:30 Lunch break

14:30 - 15:15  Lecture 5: On the incomprehensible beginning of nature in Schelling's early writings

Hin-Cheung, Li (Matthew) (University of Freiburg)

(Chair: Shen, Hao)

15:15 - 15:30 Coffee break

15:30 - 16:15  Lecture 6: Die Naturphilosophie im Dazwischen: Über die Stellung der Naturphilosophie im System des transzendentalen Idealismus

Zhao, Yu (Peking University)

(Chair: Yahata, Sakura)

16:15 - 16:30 Coffee break

16:30 - 17:15  Lecture 7: Die Konzeption der Erregbarkeit in Schellings Naturphilosophie

Shi, Linqing (University of Bonn)

(Chair: Yahata, Sakura)

17:15 - 17:30 Coffee break

17:30 - 18:30  Keynote 3: Schelling from an East Asian Perspective: On the Reception of His Thought in Pre-war Japan

Prof. Otabe, Tanehisa (Open University of Japan, Japan Academy)

(Chair: Nakamura, Norihito)


(DAY 3, Venue: Large conference room)

10:30 - 11:15  Lecture 8: Schelling’s Identity Philosophy as a Theory of the Metametaphysics

Iizumi, Yusuke (Fukuoka University)

(Chair: Wirtz, Fernando)

11:15 - 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 - 12:15  Lecture 9: Über die Möglichkeit der wilden Ethik des Unvordenklichen bei Tengelyi

Zhou, Jing (University of Freiburg)

(Chair: Wirtz, Fernando)

12:15 - 12:45 Closing & Meeting for the next conference

12:45 - 15:00 Lunch break

15:00 - 17:00 Collaborative Event: Schelling and Ernst Bloch

Chairs: Yoshida, Haruyo (Rikkyo University) / Nakamura, Norihito (Mie University)

Speakers: Oda, Tomoharu (Hiroshima City University) / Nakashima, Arata (University of Bonn)

*This event is organized in cooperation with the Japanische Assoziation für Ernst Bloch Studien and supported by JSPS KAKENHI (19K00496)

Venue: Faculty of Letters Main Bldg.

5th March: Conference Room 3.

6th & 7th March: Large conference room.

Further information on access to Kyoto University.


Arata Nakashima / Asst. Prof. Fernando Wirtz / Dr. Norihito Nakamura

In cooperation with the Japanische Assoziation für Ernst Bloch Studien.

East Asia Schelling-Network